Global Network

Transcending national borders, contributing to prosperous mobility lifestyles
We want to create touch points with customers, not only in Japan, but also worldwide. Transcending national borders, we want to provide diverse and prosperous mobility lifestyles. In order to make that desire come true, we have developed a global business through seamless partnerships with nine global strategic business units in seven countries.
TOYOTA Connected Asia Pacific Ltd. (TCAP) - Established
- 2004
- Location
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Business
- Planning, development and operation of degital marketing
- Development and operation of telematics
- Providing telelmatics services
- Development, operation and deployment of e-CRB
TOYOTA Connected Beijing (TCCN) - Established
- 2005
- Location
- Beijing and Guangzhou, China
- Business
- Development and operation of telematics
- Development, operation and deployment of e-CRB
TOYOTA Connected India Pvt. Ltd. (TCIN) - Established
- 2011
- Location
- Bangalore and Chennai, India
- Business
- Development, operation and deployment of e-CRB
- Providing telelmatics services
- Development offshore
TOYOTA Connected North America, Inc. (TCNA) - Established
- 2016
- Location
- Texas, US
- Business
- Development and operation of big data platform
- Development and operation of mobility service platform (MSPF)
- Analysis of big data
- Providing mobility services
- Providing telematics services
TOYOTA Connected Europe, Ltd. (TCEU) - Established
- 2018
- Location
- London, UK
- Business
- Development of big data center
- Development of mobility service
- Analysis of big data
Toyota Tsusho Connected Middle East FZCO. (TTCME) - Established
- 2013
- Location
- UAE Dubai
- Business
- Connected Service Business for Mobility
TOYOTA Connected Africa Proprietary Limited - Established
- 2023
- Location
- Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
- Business
- Planning, development and operation of telematics services
- Planning, development and operation of mobility services
- Big data center development