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TOKYO GLIPで活躍する多様なメンバーを


戦略本部 事業戦略室 企画推進G

戦略本部 事業戦略室 企画推進G

大内) まずはGongさんのこれまでのキャリアについて教えてください!

Gongさん) 私は中国の貴州出身で、広東語と標準中国語で話します。



大内) トヨタコネクティッドで働いてみようと思ったのはどんな理由ですか?

Gongさん) MBAの勉強をしているときにMonet TechnologiesのAutonomousやWovn cityの取り組みについて学ぶ機会がありました。トヨタ自動車の子会社がこんなに面白い取り組みをしているんだ、と非常に興味を持ちました。



大内) 今の業務はどのような内容でしょうか?

Gongさん) 現在は企画推進Gというところに所属して、2つの役割を持っています。主に担当しているのは研究開発という仕組みの中で、トヨタコネクティッドの新しいビジネスを生み出すことを目指したプロジェクトのリーダーです。


大内) トヨタコネクティッドに入社して学びになったことはありますか?

Gongさん) はい、たくさんあります。特に重要だと感じているのが、トヨタが持つ問題解決の考え方「TPS(Toyota Production System)/トヨタ生産方式」というものです。その考え方に従って、どのように筋道立てて考えるか、ステークホルダー達にどのように伝えるか、問題をいかに細分化して考えるかなどを学んでいます。



大内) 今後トヨタコネクティッドで挑戦したいことはありますか?

Gongさん) 3~5年以内に、市場に投入できるリアルなサービスを作りあげていきたいと思います。



【9th Interview】Introducing various members of TOKYO GLIP by interviews!
Featured Mr. Gong in charge of project management from business development G.


Business Strategy Dept, Strategy Office
Mr. Gong

Business Strategy Dept, Strategy Office
Mr. Gong

Ouchi) ――Will you briefly share your career so far?

Gong) I am from Gui-zhou, China and speak Chinese, English and Japanese. I have started my career at Chinese electric manufacture as sales specialist and business development. As business development, I was in charge of cultivating African market and experienced expatriated in Egypt and Morocco totally for four years.

Since resources are so limited, I played multiple roles such as marketing or management. It was a really challenging experience for me as that African market was frontier for Chinese company, unable to speak local languages and need to communicate in different business cultures.

After that I came to think that I should challenge in more developed market and it should be Japan. So I decided to move to Japan and studied at Japanese University’s MBA course, and after that I joined TOYOTA Connected in 2021.

Ouchi) ――What brought you to join in TOYOTA Connected?

Gong) When I was studying at MBA, I came across to Monet Technologies’ Autonomous projects or Woven city’s news. Those are really new for me that TOYOTA motors’ subsidiaries are trying to explore such new and exciting businesses. Also I came to know about TOYOTA Connected which provides connected services while my job hunting activity and its huge potentials in MaaS business.

The business planning team which I had the interview process held people who has various global backgrounds.

For example, the manager had rich experience in aboard and they also had project leader from India. I thought I can utilize my previous business development skills, work experience in aboard and my language skills.

Ouchi) ――What is your current role?

Gong) Now I belong to Planning and promotion group and have two main roles. First role is a project leader in R&D scheme which is targeting to build TOYOTA Connected’ new business.

Communicating between the several teams such as Technical strategic group or UX/UI design group to support their project for proceeding forward. Another role is I work as bridge of TOYOTA Connected Japan and other global subsidiaries to build communication platforms. We hold monthly or quarterly meetings to share the new projects and information from each companies and we have discussions on learnings or experiences.

Ouchi) ――Any learnings after joining TOYOTA Connected?

Gong) Yes, too many! The first thing, and the most important learning at TOYOTA Connected is about the idea of “ TPS: Toyota Production System ” during the work, how I should work, how should I link it to the colleagues smoothly to job down.

The second point is systematical way of new business development. I was handling a kind of new business development in previous company but that is develop business with existing product in new market, but what I have learned here is starting from scratches that is start planning the product and pushing it to pioneering the new market.

Although we don’t have any product which delivered into the market yet, but I am pretty confident to deliver a lot and can experience many challenges. The last thing is about the communication in Japanese, and also in Japanese company cultures.

How to convey my idea, in Japanese 「伝える/Let them know」and 「伝わる/Make them understand」is a big difference. Although I had a hard time of handling this issue, I am doing this better and better.

Ouchi) ――Do you have any ambitions to achieve at TOYOTA Connected in the future?

Gong) The biggest challenge in the near future about 3 or 5 years, I would try to cultivate the product into real business providing it to public. It makes me quite nervous but excited at the same time. I believe that business is a tool to digitalize people’s experience not only about the mobility, so I would like to contribute to enhancing customer experiences.

The second challenge is to contribute to maximize TOYOTA Connected’ global culture scale utilizing my back ground, I am a member from China and speaks English. We are having new projects or communications so I would deliver a real outcome at next stage through my activities.

Thank you, Mr.Gong!

グローバル経営企画部 戦略人事G
大内 瞳





